Als we thuis niet met niet meer dan twee personen de feestdagen mogen rondbrengen, gaan we dat natuurlijk massaal online doen, toch? In de periode tussen 15 december 2020 en 5 januari 2021 kan je je lol op tijdens het Winter Wonderland evenement in Overwatch.
Wat kan je allemaal verwachten tijdens dit leuke winterse festijn?
NEW BRAWL: 4v4 Freezethaw Elimination
- In addition to Mei’s Snowball Offensive, Yeti Hunt, and Snowball Deathmatch, players will be able to experience the new brawl, 4v4 Freezethaw Elimination!
- This new game mode requires one team to completely freeze the other team in order to win.
- Players will become frozen when they would normally die.
- Teammates can thaw someone by interacting with the frozen player.
- Weekly Challenges are back for Winter Wonderland, allowing you to unlock limited-time rewards by winning nine games.
- Rewards include an array of player icons, sprays, and Epic skins!
- Week 1: Elf Junkrat (Epic)
- Week 2: Gingerbread Ana (Epic)
- Week 3: Frosty Roadhog (Epic)
- 5 Legendary Skins
- Conductor Reinhardt
- Penguin Mei
- Ice Empress Moira
- Toybot Zenyatta
- Lumberjack Torbjorn
- 3 Epic Skins
- Player Icons, Sprays