Zoals je gisteren hebt kunnen lezen heeft Crytek de Homefront franchise overgenomen van THQ. Crytek brengt nu geruststellende woorden naar buiten wat betreft de ontwikkeling van Homefront 2.
Homefront 2 is op dit moment in de maak bij Nottingham studio Crytek in Engeland. Oprichter Cevat Yerli laat weten dat het ‘business as usual’ is op de werkvloer:

“Since we first reached an agreement to develop Homefront 2, we’ve been firm believers in the IP and its potential to excite and amaze players. Our cooperation with THQ was always positive and we would like to thank them for all their support over the last two years and express our sympathy to those affected by the recent events at the company.”

General manager van games bij Crytek, Nick Button-Brown voegt hieraan toe:

“From day one, the Homefront 2 team has been committed to creating a game that takes the series to new heights and features the level of quality and innovation associated with Crytek.Nothing has changed with regards our development of the game, and we look forward to sharing the finished product with players.”

Homefront 2 heeft dus niks te vrezen van de overname en zal waarschijnlijk nog steeds in 2014 verschijnen. Hebben jullie Homefront gespeeld? Wat vonden jullie van de game?

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